Early on in our journey toward love, we were offered the opportunity to ask three deep, very enlightening, and even pivotal questions about our individual and collective views about sex, love, and relationship, and we were encouraged to offer forth at least ten responses to each of the questions:

  1. What do I want in a partner?
  2. What do I have to offer?
  3. What would I like the relationship to ‘look like’ or how would I like the relationship to be?

Although we were not in relationship at the time, it helped us BE cleanly and clearly in the relationships we desired. We pluralized ‘relationship’ in that last sentence because the answers to those questions helped us grown individually and collectively toward and into the relationships we sought and even craved. The answers also enhanced every relationship. We have offered these three simply questions to people who were/are ‘single’ as well as those who were already in deep and abiding, committed relationships. In every case, it made their relationships better because, primarily, it helped (us and them) become clearer about the choices (and non-choices) we were (and, to an extent, still are) making in relation to ourselves, each other, and others. It helped us and them be more conscious in our orientation to love.